Map to nearly every Running Club in Florida with hyperlinks. Find a running club near you in Florida!
Find a Running Club in Florida with
links to Florida running clubs in Miami,
Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville,
Orlando, Tampa, Gainesville, Daytona,
Tallahassee, Ocala, St. Augustine,
Brookesville Melbourne Vero Beach
Stuart Palm Beach Miami Naples Key
West Florida Running Club Florida
Running Club Florida Running Club
Florida East Coast Runners Miami Fort
Lauderdale Jacksonville Orlando
Tampa Gainesville Daytona Miami Fort
Lauderdale Jacksonville Orlando
Tampa Gainesville Daytona Miami Fort
Lauderdale Jacksonville Orlando
Tampa Gainesville Daytona Florida
running club Florida running club
Find a Running Club in Florida with
links to Florida running clubs in Miami,
Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville,
Orlando, Tampa, Gainesville, Daytona,
Tallahassee, Ocala, St. Augustine,
Brookesville Melbourne Vero Beach
Stuart Palm Beach Miami Naples Key
West Florida Running Clubs Florida
Running Clubs Florida Running Clubs
Florida East Coast Runners Miami Fort
Lauderdale Jacksonville Orlando
Tampa Gainesville Daytona Miami Fort
Lauderdale Jacksonville Orlando
Tampa Gainesville Daytona Miami Fort
Lauderdale Jacksonville Orlando
Tampa Gainesville Daytona Florida
running clubs Florida running clubs
Map to nearly every Running Club in Florida with hyperlinks. Find a running club near you in Florida!
Copyright 2009-2011 Florida East Coast Runners
Florida East Coast Runners
Our goal is to supplement and link running clubs in Florida, not replace them
Links to Florida Running Clubs:
Here are some Florida running clubs you definitely should
join if you live in the area. Running clubs offer news
letters, races, training opportunities, and so much more.

Some of the Benefits of Joining a Running Club
1) Meet other runners you can train with
2) Make new friends
3) Meet some of the nicest people ever
4) Find out about local events and races
5) Receive a monthly newsletter (in most cases) with interesting articles and maybe even
something about yourself if you are an active member or running races
6) Give back to your local community
7) Help others to discover running
8) Build up your own motivation through your involvement
9) Develop yourself through participation, whether that is writing articles for the newsletter,
learning about how to put on a race, or public speaking if you become an officer
10) Just have a great time with great people!
Its cheaper than you would imagine. Most clubs charge between 20 and 40 dollars per
year for membership. The exception is clubs that include training. They charge more, but
you get more. Most are non-profit organizations, just collecting enough to operate, which
is mostly postage, printing costs, and stuff like that. Everyone involved is usually a
volunteer (except in the training clubs).

Florida East Coast Runners has many articles you should read. For example, a new article
by Jack Daniels, PhD explains what tempo runs can do for you: "Cruise Control". Or you could
read about "How to Start Running" or "How to Run Your First Half Marathon". Why do all of
these articles work? It is because they implement scientific principals outlined in "Training
Basics". We also cater to the faster runners who have been training and racing on a higher
level. For example, check out "Training for the Serious Runner (5K to 15K)" or "Marathon
Training - Intermediate". We are trying to bring you the training information you want in a way
that makes sense. Check it out at Articles.
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