Florida Running Club Review offers detailed information about the best running clubs in Florida. Space Coast Runners St
Pete Road Runners Tampa Bay Runners Central Florida Striders Gulf Winds Track Club Draggin' Tail Runner Florida
Running Club Review best running clubs in Florida Space Coast Runners St Pete Road Runners Tampa Bay Runners
Central Florida Striders Gulf Winds Track Club Draggin' Tail Runner Florida Running Club Review best running clubs in
Florida Space Coast Runners St Pete Road Runners Tampa Bay Runners Central Florida Striders Gulf Winds Track Club
Draggin' Tail Runner
Florida Running Club Reviews Best Running Clubs in
Florida Running Club Reviews Best Running Clubs in
Florida Running Club Reviews Best Running Clubs in
Florida Running Club Reviews Best Running Clubs in
Florida Running Club Reviews Best Running Clubs in
Florida Running Club Reviews Best Running Clubs in
Florida Running Club Reviews - Best Running Clubs
in Florida offers detailed information about the best
running clubs in Florida. Space Coast Runners St
Pete Road Runners Tampa Bay Runners Central
Florida Striders Gulf Winds Track Club Draggin' Tail
Runner Florida Running Club Review best running
clubs in Florida Space Coast Runners St Pete Road
Runners Tampa Bay Runners Central Florida Striders
Gulf Winds Track Club Draggin' Tail Runner Florida
Running Club Reviews best running clubs in Florida
Space Coast Runners St Pete Road Runners Tampa
Bay Runners Central Florida Striders Gulf Winds
Track Club Draggin' Tail Runner Greater Fort
Lauderdale Road Runners Club Florida Running Club
Reviews best running clubs in Florida
Florida Running Club Reviews - Best Running Clubs
in Florida offers detailed information about the best
running clubs in Florida. Space Coast Runners St
Pete Road Runners Tampa Bay Runners Central
Florida Striders Gulf Winds Track Club Draggin' Tail
Runner Florida Running Club Review best running
clubs in Florida Space Coast Runners St Pete Road
Runners Tampa Bay Runners Central Florida Striders
Gulf Winds Track Club Draggin' Tail Runner Florida
Running Club Reviews best running clubs in Florida
Space Coast Runners St Pete Road Runners Tampa
Bay Runners Central Florida Striders Gulf Winds
Track Club Draggin' Tail Runner Greater Fort
Lauderdale Road Runners Club Florida Running Club
Reviews best running clubs in Florida
Florida East Coast Runners
Copyright 2009-2012 Florida East Coast Runners
Our goal is to supplement and link running clubs in Florida, not replace them
Space Coast Runners
Melbourne, Florida
St. Pete Road Runners
St. Petersburg, Florida
St. Pete Road Runners (SPRR) was started in
August 2006 with 40 runners. Vice President Bill
Castleman says they have grown to 230 runners
in less than 3 years. Races they sponsor or host
include the Pancreatic Cancer Purple Striders 5k May 30th (one of our featured races), the St. Pete Beach 5k Series June 26, July 31 and
August 28, all on our race calendar. SPRR has a 13 member Board of Directors and they are a member of RCCA. In addition to their board
meeting, they have monthly membership meetings with a guest speaker. Their major charity is Suncoast Hospice and they are working on
establishing a college scholarship program for high school runners. They hold regular group runs and social events and have an excellent website:
http://www.sprr.org/. SPRR is our kind of club!!!

Space Coast Runners in Brevard County was founded in 1978. The club is thriving. It hosts a race series that includes about 12 races each
year and offers age group awards for the series. With hundreds of members, the club never lacks for participation, whether in club events or
races. Your editor is a member and huge fan of the club. Club president Carol Ball provided us with an article on Skin Cancer that brings home a
message we should all be aware of living in Florida. Check them out at: http://www.spacecoastrunners.org/
Tampa Bay Runners
Tampa, Florida
Tampa Bay Runners in Tampa is one of our favorite running clubs. Tampa Bay Runners has been the areas’ top running club for more than 25
years. They sponsor numerous races and have a large membership. Tampa Bay Runners is a group of fitness-loving folks of all ages, interest and
running abilities. They also offer a variety of social activities for members. They offer group runs and an excellent newsletter. Their board
members are dedicated to providing everything you could ask for as a runner. Great site and great club! Wow: http://www.
Central Florida Striders
Orlando, Florida
Central Florida Striders was founded in 2008. It is a family affair. Joe Dexter, a previous member of Gulf Winds Track Club is their president. His
wife, Nadine, is the VP, treasurer, and webmaster. A club member, Nancy, does the newsletter. His son, James, is the race director and
equipment manager. They have 30 members and meet 3 times a week for training runs (one is at UCF where Nadine works). Their first event
was the “Inauguration 5K” followed by The “I’m On Fire 5K/10K” at the fire station here at Lake Nona. They recently held the Recession Fighter
5K, which was a huge success. See: http://www.centralfloridastriders.org/
Gulf Winds Track Club
Tallahassee, Florida
Gulf Winds Track Club in Tallahassee was one of the first running clubs in Florida. They sponsor or host 16 races each year, including the
Tallahassee Marathon and at least one ultra. The officers include Judy Alexander, President, Bill Lott, Vice President, Jackie McDaniel, Secretary,
and Gene Opheim, Treasurer. Thge club truly sponsors running statewide. One example is a $1,000 grant to Central Florida Striders to help them
get started. If you are anywhere near Tallahassee you want to join the Gulf Winds Track Club. Check out their races at: Gulf Winds Track Club
Races Check them out at: http://www.gulfwinds.org/
Draggin' Tail Running Club
Sunny Hills, Florida
Draggin' Tails is a unique running club specializing in trail running in the panhandle of Florida. They are located in Sunny Hills near Panama City.
Joe Edgecombe and Marty Kirkland started the Draggin' Tail Runners in 1995 to get all their running buddies to join them in training and racing.
This is one area of Florida that actually has hills that challenge those wanting something different and beautiful! They sponsor the Draggin' Tail
18 Mile Run, the St. Andrew's Mardi Gras 5K, and the Torreya State Park's Draggin' Tail 25K/50K Ultra Trail Challenge. Ultra Running Magazine
did an article on the 2008 50K race. Their Draggin' Tail Runner's races have become "cult-like" with members that love beautiful, challenging
courses, great awards, and big food afterwards. On November 21st, the 15th Draggin' Tail 18 Mile Challenge will be held in Sunny Hills, FL.
Greater Fort Lauderdale Road Runners Club
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Greater Fort Lauderdale Road Runners Club (GFLRRC) was organized on September 17, 1972 as a non-profit
organization to promote running for health and exercise in Broward County, Florida. It one of the original members of
the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA), and is recognized in the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
The Club sponsors events such as fun runs, group training runs, social get togethers and major races throughout the
year. Their next sponsored races are the ING Miami Marathon Kick Off 5K (8/15) and the Fall Fling 5k (9/12). They
sponsor about 11 races every year throughout Broward County and publish a monthly newsletter. Find out more at:

Amelia Island Runners celebrated its fifth anniversary in April. They've grown from about 30 members to around 200, ranging from casual runners
and walkers to national-class runners. They organize three races in Fernandina Beach each year, all featuring Champion Chip timing -- the Turtle
Trot 5K/10K on Labor Day weekend, the Reindeer Run 5K/10K in December and the Pirates on the Run 5K/10K in February. The events also
include noncompetitive walks and children's fun runs.
From the beginning their mission has been to encourage health and fitness through running and walking. They strive to give back to the
community, and to the sport they love. Their scholarship program awarded $3,000 to outstanding high school runners this year, and they are
launching a program to promote running and walking in our county's elementary and middle schools. They sponsor a free annual summer
running camp that's open to everyone, and support high school cross country teams. They've also donated thousands of dollars in race
proceeds to various organizations, and their members have volunteered countless hours to help in running, walking and health-related events.
Their popular website and award-winning newsletter help spread the word about local runners, running events and club activities. They are also a
proud member of the RRCA.
Besides promoting running, they also like to have fun! They hold weekly group runs, club socials, and their members enjoy a hospitality area at
the Gate River Run each year. Their motto is, "All ages, all abilities, always welcome." They may never be the biggest running club out there, but
they try hard to be among the friendliest!
Find out more at: http://www.ameliaislandrunners.com/
Amelia Island Runners
Fernandina Beach, Florida

With over 1,200 running members, Orlando Women Runners (OWR) is the largest women's running group in the state of Florida with over
4,500,000 hits on their website.
The founder Wendy Trinh says "I started this running club hoping to find 5 to 7 women to run with and maybe make a few new friends. Fast
forward a few months later and Orlando Women Runners - OWR is now the largest running group for women in Florida. I'm lucky to have a great
community of women to run with. I made new friends along the way too!"
OWR welcomes both seasoned women runners and beginners. Women of all shapes, ages and experience levels encouraged to join the club.
OWR is a great club to help train for marathons too!
The greatest part is that it is free to be a member. They just want to promote fitness and help women meet other runners. If you want to join
them go to their website. You can register as a member and also sign up for their runs. They do ask that you register for their runs so that
volunteers know how much food and water to bring!
With OWR around, Orlando is the place to be! http://www.orlandowomenrunners.com/
Orlando Women Runners
Orlando, Florida
Florida East Coast Runners reviews running clubs and tells you a little more about them. We have never had anything bad to say about a club,
but each one is different. Find out when they started, what races they sponsor, and maybe the human interest side also by reading the articles
below. (The order below is just the chronological order we featured them in our pages, not a ranking or anything like that).
Want to see your club featured? Tell us about it and we would love to feature it on our main page as well as adding it here.

Zoomers Southwest Florida Running and Triathlon Club is better known as simply Zoomers. The club was started in 1996 by a small group of
runners who dreamed of a running club in Charlotte County to promote fitness through running, swimming and biking. This is the area around
Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte, between Sarasota and Fort Myers, which got hit pretty hard when Hurricane Charley came ashore, for those
who are not otherwise familiar with southwest Florida. They belong to the RRCA (Road Runners Club of America), like most of the clubs in Florida,
and currently have almost 200 members comprised of doctors, lawyers, retirees, children and people of all vocations. Zoomers performs the race
timing for approximately 20 races per year and growing. Its member business meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 PM
and are currently held at the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce Building, in Port Charlotte, Florida. Come run the races or volunteer to
work the finish line. And please check out their website at www.zoomersrun.com!
The president position is jointly held by Debi Lantzer and Kimmi van der Veen. Debi has been a (long distance) friend of ours for a while. We
helped her sell a bike through our classified ads and communicate occasionally on topics from training to running clubs.
If you live in southwest Florida you should definitely check out Zoomers, run their races, and join the club!

Zoomers Running and Triathlon Club
Port Charlotte, Florida